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Spring  2007

Love is in the air everywhere I look around…it must be spring!  No, I’m not singing John Paul Young’s 1978 hit, but it is something I believe in! 

This Dan’s Say is coming from my softer, gentler side.  Springtime is when a young man’s fancy and an old man’s fancy (Iike mine) turns to the romantic side of life and relationships.  I have been to a number of my friends weddings lately.  Some of them were my civilian friends (those who don’t own Corvettes), but the majority of them were my Corvette friends.  One particularly FUN wedding was definitely a Corvette Wedding, the marriage of Lance and Michele Miller.  You know Lance Miller as the son of Chip Miller who founded Corvettes at Carlisle.  Needless to say the wedding was a true Corvette event.  There were Corvette people from all over the country.  It was almost like a mini Corvette show without Corvettes.  Jake and I had a great time there since it took place in sunny Florida just across the state from us in St. Petersburg Beach.  If you would like to see more of Lance and Michele’s wedding and their Corvette friends, visit their website at
www.micheleandlance.com/afterparty.phpI am looking forward to attending the upcoming wedding of Kevin Mackay (Corvette restorer extraordinaire) and the lovely Christina Cantone.  If you remember, their love story appeared in our Winter 2006 issue.  Don’t miss the continuation of their Corvette romance on page 16 of our magazine.

Let’s talk about MY romantic love affair.  Romance is Great!  And when you’re in love, you feel like you’re on top of the world!  You’re heart beats a little faster. Your breath quickens and you feel that little tingle at the end of your fingers that tells you that you are as happy as can be.  Everybody looks at you wearing that wacky grin on your face and they know what’s wrong with you….you’re in love!  This has just happened to me since I walked out to the garage and caressed my new love, a Velocity Yellow Z51 2006 C6 Coupe!  Yes, I finally made the leap.  Shunning my “old flame” C5 for a slicker, younger, sexier C6!  Sounds like a mid-life crisis to me!  So if you see me walking around the Birthday Bash with a huge grin on my face, you will know why!

Enough of this mushy stuff!  Spring not only means love, it means get your motor running and get out on the highway….the adventure I’m looking for is the adventure of our 10th Anniversary Celebration at the Birthday Bash and what a great time it’s going to be!  Old Barnum and Bailey can take a lesson from Roc Linkov and the Museum this year because this Birthday Bash promises to be the biggest and best Birthday Bash there ever was!  There will be dancing and singing in the island style as we celebrate the tropics with the Museum’s Birthday Bash “Margaritaville” party.  So you might want to throw a couple of Hawaiian style shirts in the back of the Corvette for this fabulous party time!  I look forward to seeing all of my old friends and meeting some new friends at this 10th Anniversary gala of the Official C5/C6 Registry.  Gather up your friends and make your reservations now because April is not that far away.  I hear we may even have members coming from Europe.  So if you want to start off the springtime right with a great road trip and a great party, grab a friend, call the Museum and make arrangements to come to the 10th Anniversary Celebration at the C5/C6 Birthday Bash. We’ve highlighted this fantastic event on page 12. We’ll see you there!

Speaking of ten years, we didn’t want you to miss hearing from our first two Registry members, who joined on August 29, 1997 at our first Labor Day event at the Museum. I’m still chuckling at these two, and the memories they brought back of the early days. Don’t miss Dan Douglas [C5R# V0003] and Julia Tuttle’s [C5R# V0004] recollections on pages 7 and 9.  This was so much FUN that we plan to continue throughout the year featuring our Charter Members as they talk about their love affair with Corvette and our fabulous hobby. So, Charter Members, send us your stories!

It is so hard to believe that this is our 10th year of the Official C5/C6 Registry.    

It seems like only yesterday that we had our first Birthday Bash at the NCM. I think we had all of 300 members and their spouses present, but that was a pretty good showing considering we only had 600 total members then. The highlight of the weekend was the dinner inside the NCM Rotunda among the historic Corvettes with the man himself, Chief Engineer Mr. David Hill telling us all about the new for 1998 Active Handling system. David even brought eight Active Handling Corvettes from Detroit for us to test drive at the nearby Beech Bend Raceway. What a blast driving through the cones at full speed in someone else’s vette! Naturally, I pushed mine to the limit and maybe a little over. My GM co-driver did have a few words with me after our run about responsible driving, but in my excitement I thought he was talking about responsive driving!  We’ve had nine great Birthday Bashes and I know this 10th one is going to be the best yet!

So share the love and do something nice for that special someone, like a nice moonlit ride in a shiny Corvette.  Until next time, Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Easter!

C5Ya!...I mean, I guess it’s C6Ya!


Previous Dan's Say  



Spring 2007


Fall 2006

Summer 2006


Spring 2006

Early Spring 2006


Winter 2006



Spring 2005

February 2005

  December, 2004 September, 2004
  June 10, 2004 March 15, 2004

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