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Corvette Hobby Transcends National Borders!

Europe was FANTASTIC, and that doesn’t even begin to describe how much FUN we had each day……at wide open throttle all over Germany and France! We have dedicated this issue of our Official C5/C6 Registry Newsletter to our European Travelers and to our C6-R winning Corvettes at
Le Mans. Each page is full of our daily adventures; in fact our motto for the trip became:


As we traveled throughout Europe, members of the C5/C6 Registry popped up throughout the trip to say hello and visit, but mostly to make sure that everything went smoothly while we were visiting their part of Europe. They made sure we all enjoyed ourselves! This really brought it home to me that we have the finest and most enthusiastic members all over the world who truly love Corvette. I would be remiss if I didn’t give a BIG C5/C6 THANK YOU to a special group of European members who went beyond the call of duty to help us have a fantastic trip: European Registry members Mark Rodino [C5R# X3041] from Italy, Eric and Natacha Touze [C5R# Z5628] and Gerard Planche from France, and Gary & Anne Garwood [C5R# K6718] from England. You all are the GREATEST!

Director Dan “boogies down” with our French tour director Fabienne  Petit.

While at the Le Mans track Jake and I had the pleasure of meeting Lindsay Fellows, daughter of Ron and Lynda. Our conversation centered on the fact that this was her first visit ever to
Le Mans to watch her dad race. She mentioned that in college she was a journalism major, so we thought it would be great to have her share with us “A Fellows’ Perspective” on her first trip to Le Mans with her dad. Don’t miss this really unique article!

Director Jake, along with Gary Claudio and Eric Touze are all smiles once the outcome of the race was assured.

I’ve always known that the Corvette hobby transcends national borders. It’s all about “gear heads’” in any country having FUN! That was never more evident to me than on this third Registry trip to Europe. My advice to you is that if you ever take a trip to Europe you should post it on the C5/C6 Net and don’t be surprised if you get an invitation from some of our European members to visit with you.

Thank You Registry Members and the Corvette hobby for making my life so full and enjoyable and for all the friends you’ve brought me!

Great friends of the Registry Gerard Planche and Richard Prince celebrate Corvette’s victory at  Le Mans with the age old tradition of French Champagne.

C6Ya! Dan

Don’t miss the next issue as we will be including our Le Mans travelers’ impressions of their “Trip of a Lifetime”.


Previous Dan's Say  


Spring 2005

February 2005

  December, 2004 September, 2004
  June 10, 2004 March 15, 2004

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