LG MotorSports – GT2

Petit Le Mans holds no prisoners and for LG MotorSports #28 Corvette it was a roller coaster ride that followed the Road Atlanta road course. Simply getting the car ready for the race was a major feat since fire essentially destroyed #28 at Long Beach after being hit by a BMW.

Outside Pole Position, Tom Sutherland #28 LG Corvette Fastest qualifying GT2 Corvette.

Despite the flooded race and out-dated Dunlap tires, the sun shined brightly on #28 for qualification, achieving the outside pole position, usurping it from the factory team during the closing seconds of Qualification. 

Lou and team celebrated by bringing #28 into the Corvette Corral for an impromptu autograph session that drew Corvette fans and owners like a magnet.

The sun dimmed at the start as #28 had to start from the pits after missing the warm up lap. Tom Sutherland started the race on cold tires and missed turn #10A and drove through the gravel pit destroying the splitter and nose which cost many laps getting back on the track. The severely damaged front meant great loss of down force during both dry and wet conditions. Regardless of the damage and dated equipment #28 finished 8th out of 13.

Lou Gigliotti #28 LG Corvette signing posters in the NCM sponsored Corvette Corral.


#28 LG Corvette making the apex at Turn #7 between rains


Tomy Drissi misses Turn #10A boring a hole through the kitty litter and grass in a shower of mud and gravel


Sadly, LG MotorSports #28 will not be returning to ALMS. Lack of access to current technology racing hardware prompted the decision. The #28 Corvette will be missed in ALMS. Next year #28 Corvette(s) will be competing in GRAND-AM Road Racing. All cars wear Pirelli tires.


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