C6 Screen Saver
Huge, over 50 high quality images!

compiled by Jack Morocco

Download: WINTEL (PC) Screen Saver

Download: Winzip
If needed

C6 Corvette Screensaver Instructions:

- Runs on Windows 95/98/Me/Xp, NT4/2000
- 50 hi-resolution Corvette images (Coupe & Convertible)
- 80+ superb transitional effects
- Displays *FULL* screen on a variety of monitor resolutions
- Set your own delay times
- Optional random order
- Optional screensaver password


Downloading the
Screen Saver(6MB)

Please note the file location of this download on your hard drive. Once it is complete, unzip the file named "C6_Corvette_Screensaver.zip" to begin the install.


Installing the Screensaver

- Extract the contents of the screensaver ZIP file
- When installing the "C6_Corvette_Screensaver.exe" file, run the file by double clicking on the file name in the Explorer or by selecting "Run" from the Taskbar's Start menu.
- The default install directory is: C:\Program Files\C6 Corvette


Uninstalling the Screensaver

- Use the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel
- Select C6 Corvette
- Press the Add/Remove button


Changing Screensaver Properties

- Right click on your Desktop and select Properties.
- Choose the Screen Saver tab, then click on the Settings button.
- The default image size is Fit To Screen. This yields full screen viewing for all of the images. This is the recommended setting. If you select Original, the images will appear in 1024 x 768 format.
- The viewing sequence is set to Normalize. This will show the images in a predefined order. If you select Randomize, the images will appear in an undetermined sequence. Some images may repeat before all are shown.



This software is distributed "as is" and without warranties as to performance or any other warranties whether express or implied. The software user must assume the entire risk of installing and/or using this screensaver program.




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